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Book your train, bus and plane tickets

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Navigate forward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

+400 companies

Compare SNCF train tickets, TGV, inOui, Ouigo, Airline tickets, 200 bus companies and BlaBlaCar.

Train, bus and plane: See what's best and book right now

The problem with ticket prices is that they change all the time. But by comparing, you win every time.

Each review motivates us even more


+400 companies, from Paris to Venice

Fares, connections, luggage, strikes, cancellations: Transportation is complicated. But that was before Kombo.

The train without constraints

Kombo offers no less than 12 railway companies in Europe. From SNCF to inOui, through Ouigo, or Eurostar, it can be hard to find your way around. Especially when the cancellation conditions or the number of authorized luggage change from one train to another.

Compare train companies

One life to explore the world

Each of us has our own dreams, and travelling can be one of yours. Exploring the world will make you a better person. And for the plane tickets, we advise you to compare the prices. From Ryanair to Air France, through Easyjet, or Transavia, the cheapest tickets are not always the ones you would expect.

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The bus with a plus

More than 200 bus companies travel throughout Europe. Find the best price here!

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They also trust us

All options up to cancellation

Aisle or window? Do you travel light or do you prefer to take your home with you? Feel at ease, you have the choice.

Booking but also cancelling

Cancel your train and bus tickets, in most cases without any costs. In addition, you will be refunded not in vouchers, but directly to your bank account. For tickets that cannot be changed, Kombo offers cancellation insurance with no reason or justification. No hidden lines on a complicated contract.

Kombo Features

Compare and combine

Tired of spending hours on the Internet looking for tickets? So are we. Kombo is also a search engine - that finds. By combining tickets from different companies, you will have access to more than 30,000 unique routes. A little secret: it often allows you to pay less...

Kombo Features

Our priority: Your security

Paying on the Internet is not always very reassuring. At Kombo, we use 3DS2 technology, which guarantees the highest possible level of security. But you can also pay with Paypal.

Kombo Features

Sales, but also after-sales

Selling tickets is great. But even after you've made a reservation, our customer service team is available 7 days a week, until 11pm.

Help and contact
Kombo Team

The right to pollute less

Getting around with less pollution should be a right. But like you, we no longer travel by horse. For cleaner transportation, Kombo recommends the train. As for the plane, if you have to take it, you can compensate your CO2 emissions by planting trees.

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Kombo Features

Compatibility with fidelity

When you take the train often, having a discount card, like the SNCF Advantage Card, is very economical. Whatever your card is, use it here.

Kombo Features

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Top destinations

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Europe Image

In Europe

Going abroad is an opportunity to discover magical places with an intense change of scenery! Whether you want to go to Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, the Italian coast or the mountains, compare the prices of all means of transport. Go on an adventure and live your dreams. Travel is the only thing we buy that makes us richer.

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Must-see destinations

There are plenty of destinations you can access thanks to train, bus or plane. Needing culture and history ? Europe has a lot to offer! Visit the National Museum of London, or Le Louvre in Paris. Looking for sun and fun ? Barcelona is the perfect location for your next holidays, or maybe you'd rather visit the beautiful streets of Amsterdam. You choose !

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Sun Image

Under the sun

The next time the weather is grey, remember that the sun is always shining somewhere! Often all you have to do is head south to find the sun's rays. You'll be there in a few hours by train or plane. Bonus: the people in the south are really nice and you will often find the sea there.